Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Sun Also Rises: Fiesta

"...and the streets wet and dark and deserted; yet the fiesta kept up without pause. It was only driven under cover." -pg. 174

I didn't really understand nor enjoy the constant need to party. Just reading about how they spent their days made me tired. The fiesta was actually a metaphor for the overall "party feeling" which arrives after a war. The characters in this book represent the victims or recipients of this party. And so when it rains, or things start to look a little gray again, the party just moves under cover. All of the countries and places that they visit show the long arms of the war and it's after effects. This novel does not aim to teach, only to show how things were. It is a timeless novel because war is timeless; its after effects seem also to be a generational cycle.

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