Thursday, September 16, 2010

2nd Poetry Unit

1. "Discuss the imagery of the poem. Look up any words with which you are unfamiliar and point out words whice are particularly well chosen, explaining why."

"Bright Star"

This poem has the imagery of a star in the sky and a man laying wiht his lover. The imagery is important in this poem because it compares the "everlasting" existence of the star to the speaker's desire to be everlasting. However, the speaker does not want to be a distant observer, like the star. The positive imagery of "moving waters" and "gazing on...snow upon the mountains..." are deceiving when you read further and find that that is not the reader's desire. The imagery of laying with his lover is what he truly wants, and seems more meaningful when compared to the star's lonely existence. The poem has a tone of desperate longing. The speaker even says that if he can't have the star's long existence AND be with his love, he wants to just die at the peak of his relationship.

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