Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Glass Menagerie 2

Question #3-

I believe the protagonist in this story to be Tom, and the antagonist to be Amanda. Laura is simply there to serve as something they can disagree and fret over. Jim, a minor character, plays the most important part, as Tom mentions in the beginning of the play. He helps to move not only the play along, but the characters as well. He is the one who breaks the glass shell that Laura has kept herself holed up in, and he is the one who eventually causes Tom's departure through a chain of events. Had he turned down the dinner invitation, perhaps Laura would have not found herself able to move on from her glass animals and victrola. Tom may have never grown the guts to tell his mother what he really thought, and would have spent an unknown amount of time working in the warehouse, pushing his dreams aside. Although he is only there for one night, he drastically changes the rest of the characters' lives.

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