Thursday, April 14, 2011

Frankenstein Blog 4

"Could the daemon who had (I did not for a minute doubt) murdered my brother also in his hellish sport have betrayed the innocent to death and ignominy?" -pg. 57

Victor is finally being faced with the consequences of leaving his creature unguarded. I find it hard to believe that his creature turns up in his hometown which he had not been to for six years. My belief is that the creature specifically targeted his brother and took the picture of his mother because it is a piece of him. We do not know hardly anything about the creature, but because of Victor's reaction to him, we know that he is evil, or at least empty of an intrinsic goodness. All because of Victor's obsession, two innocent young lives have ended. In my opinion, Victor is a coward because he refuses to inform the townspeople of what he has unleashed. This can only mean that future disaster is on the way, especially when recalling the warning given to Walton when Victor began his recollection. Because the reader has prior knowledge of the fact that Victor has had an unpleasant past, the future tragedies will not be so unexpected.

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